Within Our Lifetime national network and Old Money New System Community of Practice joined by the National Committee for Responsive Philanthropy  urge movement building, racial justice and healing organizations to disrupt the ways philanthropy upholds white supremacy and oppression.

We demand accountability and advocate for racially just grantmaking so we can collectively tackle structural racism and white supremacy to end racism within our lifetimes. #DisruptPhilanthropyNOW!

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Racial justice organizations work to dismantle inequitable systems in every sector using organizing strategies, sharing data about inequities, and telling stories, why don’t we do this in the philanthropic sector?


We need to speak the truth on the impact of grantmaking system and practices.  We can no longer protect our own resources by being silent when we know a funder’s unjust practices have devastating effects on organizations or in the communities where we work.  

Poor grantmaking practices, of any sort, can have a deep long-term impact on people of color-led organizations. This impact then multiplies in Communities of Color, most impacted by structural racism and white supremacy. 

We can no longer let fear of consequences deter us from speaking our truth about the impact of unjust practices by foundations. 


We cannot address life and death issues and racial injustices while also being told how we should do our work, or prove our work is effective based on the foundation’s standards, or meet deliverables decided on by you and not by the community, or consistently witness the disparate funding between white led organizations and BIPOC-led organizations.

These critiques are not unknown by your sector, yet because the power differential leads to our silence, the many, many stories of racially inequitable funding and practices are not told publicly, which ends up lessening the urgency. So, the disturbing impact of the racially inequitable system of resource distribution continues to be maintained.

We cannot significantly move the needle for racial justice if we are unwilling to challenge how resources are distributed.

We say: No more.  

 We need to come together as racial justice organizations to radically transform philanthropy and resource distribution.

We hope you will get involved and share your stories or ideas for transformation!

Ways to #DisruptPhilanthropyNOW!

share your story

get involved

check our resources

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